Monday 20 August 2007

Robbed in Bilbao

Sorry there are no pictures to see of all our incredible adventures since we left the Abruzzo mountains and our last blog entry. Josh spent ages editing them all and wrote a fabulously funny new blog on our time with our friends Anna, Simon, Anoushka and Hatti in Cortona; on our week of yoga with Godfrey and friends in Virginia´s house in Rimbochi near Bibbiena; on our speedy trip through Italy and south of France to Perpignan; on our exploits in the Pyrenees mountains, lakes and streams in Andorra and beyond; or at the Festas in San Sebastian on the north Spanish coast. All of these precious insights from Josh and all of the thousands of our family´s photographs over the last 4 years are now gone. They have been stolen from our Mosiemobeel outside a busy cafe as we were on a beach on near Bilbao watching a surfing competition. The bastards took cameras, cash, laptop all of which are replaceable. What isnt is the back up disc with everything on it they found hiding in the back of a cupboard. Only worth 60 quid new. But for us what was on it was absolutely priceless.

Needless to say we are all in a bit of shock at the loss. Grieving over the beautiful pictures of this trip, of all of Moses´life to date, of all our holidays and life experiences over the last few years that we now can only recall from our already fading memories.

We are now in the University at Leon heading towards Portugal fast and away from Spain. We will write more about our experiences since Italy when we get a new laptop. And no more pictures here until we can replace cameras, laptop, phones etc. You can call us on Von´s mobile 07967 808465 until I get my replacement sorted out.
Trying not to let the whole thing sink our hearts. Adios amigos.

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